Purple Hibiscus Flower Meaning, Symbolism & Spiritual Significance - Foliage Friend - Learn About Different Types of Plants (2024)

The purple hibiscus flower is a stunning tropical flower that is native to Asia and the Pacific Islands. The beautiful flower is known for its vibrant colors, intricate textures, and sweet fragrance. But did you know that this flower also holds significant meaning, symbolism, and spiritual significance in many cultures around the world? In this article, we will explore the various spiritual and symbolic meanings behind the purple hibiscus flower.

Spiritual Meaning of Purple Hibiscus Flowers

In many spiritual practices, the purple hibiscus flower is considered to have divine energy. The flower is thought to be a symbol of spiritual awakening, growth, and transformation. The deep purple color of the flower is associated with the crown chakra, which represents spiritual enlightenment and connection to the divine.

The purple hibiscus flower is also believed to help balance the energies of the body and mind. It is thought to clear negative energy and promote emotional healing and well-being. Many people use the flower in spiritual practices such as meditation, prayer, and energy healing.

Additionally, the purple hibiscus flower is often used in rituals and ceremonies to honor ancestors and connect with the spiritual realm. It is believed that the flower can help facilitate communication with ancestors and provide guidance and protection. In some cultures, the purple hibiscus is also associated with royalty and nobility, further emphasizing its spiritual significance.

What do Purple Hibiscus Flowers Symbolize in Literature and Art?

In literature and art, the purple hibiscus flower often represents beauty, royalty, and luxury. It is also used to symbolize passion, love, and desire.

In many cultures, the hibiscus flower is also a symbol of femininity and womanhood. In Hawaiian culture, for example, hibiscus flowers are often worn by women to represent their strength and beauty.

Aside from its symbolic meanings, the purple hibiscus flower also has practical uses. In traditional medicine, the flower is used to treat various ailments such as high blood pressure, fever, and respiratory problems. The flower is also used in cosmetics and skincare products due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Furthermore, the purple hibiscus flower has been featured in various works of literature and art throughout history. It has been depicted in paintings, sculptures, and even poetry. One notable example is the painting “Hibiscus and Parrot” by French artist Paul Gauguin, which features a vibrant purple hibiscus flower as the centerpiece of the artwork.

What Do Purple Hibiscus Flowers Represent in a Dream?

Seeing a purple hibiscus flower in a dream can have various meanings depending on the context of the dream. In some cases, the flower may symbolize growth, transformation, or spiritual awakening. In other cases, it may represent beauty, love, or passion.

However, as with all dream symbols, it is important to consider your personal associations with the flower and what it means to you. The interpretation of a dream symbol is subjective and can vary from person to person.

It is also worth noting that the color purple can add another layer of meaning to the dream. Purple is often associated with royalty, luxury, and power. Therefore, seeing a purple hibiscus flower in a dream may also suggest that you are feeling empowered or that you are on the path to achieving a higher status in your waking life.

Legends, Folklore & Mythology Associated with Purple Hibiscus Flowers

The purple hibiscus flower has a rich history in many cultures around the world. In Polynesian mythology, for example, the hibiscus flower is believed to be the gateway into the afterlife. In Hindu mythology, the hibiscus flower is associated with the goddess Kali, who is known for her fierce strength and power.

In Chinese culture, the hibiscus flower is a symbol of wealth and prosperity. It is often given as a gift during the Chinese New Year celebrations, representing new beginnings and good fortune.

In Hawaiian culture, the hibiscus flower is the state flower and is commonly used in leis. The color of the hibiscus flower can also have different meanings. A purple hibiscus flower, for example, can represent royalty, respect, and admiration.

In Ayurvedic medicine, the hibiscus flower is used for its medicinal properties. It is believed to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, and is used to treat various ailments such as high blood pressure, liver disease, and menstrual cramps.

How Seeing Purple Hibiscus Flowers Can Impact You Spiritually

Simply seeing a purple hibiscus flower can have a profound impact on your spiritual well-being. The flower’s vibrant color and intricate texture can help to stimulate the crown chakra, promoting spiritual growth and enlightenment.

The fragrance of the flower is also believed to have a healing effect on the body and mind, promoting emotional well-being and reducing stress and anxiety.

What Do Purple Hibiscus Flowers Mean in Numerology?

In numerology, the number seven is associated with the purple hibiscus flower. This number is linked to spiritual awakening and growth, as well as intuition, inner wisdom, and knowledge.

Seeing the number seven or the purple hibiscus flower in conjunction with this number may indicate that you are on a spiritual path and that you will experience spiritual growth and enlightenment in the near future.

Additionally, the purple hibiscus flower is also associated with royalty, nobility, and respect. In ancient times, it was often used to symbolize power and authority, and was even used in ceremonies to crown kings and queens.

Furthermore, the purple hibiscus flower is believed to have healing properties and is used in traditional medicine to treat various ailments such as high blood pressure, fever, and respiratory problems.

What Do Purple Hibiscus Flowers Mean in Astrology?

In astrology, the purple hibiscus flower is associated with the zodiac sign of Scorpio. This sign is linked to transformation, rebirth, and spiritual evolution. Scorpio is also associated with the planet Pluto, which represents the soul’s journey towards enlightenment and awakening.

If you are a Scorpio, seeing a purple hibiscus flower may indicate that you are undergoing a significant spiritual transformation or that you are being called to embark on a spiritual path.

Aside from its astrological significance, the purple hibiscus flower also holds cultural and symbolic meanings in different parts of the world. In Hawaii, the hibiscus flower is the state flower and represents hospitality, friendship, and love. In some Asian cultures, the hibiscus flower is associated with femininity, beauty, and purity. In ancient Egypt, the hibiscus flower was used in medicinal remedies and was believed to have healing properties.

Is the Purple Hibiscus Flower Considered Lucky?

In many cultures, the purple hibiscus flower is considered to be a symbol of good fortune and luck. In Chinese culture, for example, the flower is often given as a gift during the New Year celebrations to bring prosperity and good fortune throughout the year.

Overall, the purple hibiscus flower holds deep spiritual, symbolic, and cultural significance in many cultures around the world. Whether you are drawn to the flower for its beauty, fragrance, or spiritual significance, it is a powerful symbol of growth, transformation, and enlightenment.

In addition to its cultural significance, the purple hibiscus flower also has medicinal properties. In traditional medicine, the flower is used to treat various ailments such as high blood pressure, fever, and respiratory infections. The flower is also believed to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, making it a popular ingredient in skincare products.

Furthermore, the purple hibiscus flower is a popular choice for landscaping and gardening. Its vibrant purple color and unique shape make it a standout addition to any garden or landscape design. It is also a hardy plant that can thrive in a variety of climates, making it a versatile choice for gardeners around the world.

Purple Hibiscus Flower Meaning, Symbolism & Spiritual Significance - Foliage Friend - Learn About Different Types of Plants (1)

Daniel Elrod

My name is Daniel Elrod, and I have been houseplant love ever since I was 17. I love how much joy they bring to any room in the home. I’ve always been amazed at how a few pots of flowing leaves can turn a drab and sterile office into an inviting place where people love to work at.

Purple Hibiscus Flower Meaning, Symbolism & Spiritual Significance - Foliage Friend - Learn About Different Types of Plants (2024)
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