How to Grow and Care for Queen Anne's Lace (2024)

A familiar sight in meadows and along roadsides all summer long, Queen Anne's lace is a very pretty wildflower. Native to Europe and Asia, Queen Anne's lace is invasive in North America and some may consider it a weed. The leaves are delicate and thready, somewhat fern-like in appearance. The flat flower tops are a creamy white disk of tiny flowers, and look a bit like wild yarrow at a distance. The flowers are also similar to the flowers of goutweed, aka bishop's weed (Aegopodium podagraria).

While it has a place in the landscape as a source of food for pollinators and makes a long-lasting cut flower in a wildflower arrangement, Queen Anne's lace (Daucus carota) is essentially a common weed. It is also commonly called wild carrot, as the root looks like a slender pale orange carrot and has a carrot-like scent. The young root is edible and can be eaten like a carrot, raw, in a salad, or cooked in a soup.


Queen Anne's lace spreads aggressively by reseeding itself. It adapts easily to poor soil conditions and tends to grow where many things won't. To cut back on the spread, it's a good idea to snip off the flower heads before they go to seed. The plants can also be dug out by their taproots before they go to seed.

Common NamesQueen Anne's lace, wild carrot
Botanical NameDaucus carota
Plant TypeBiennial
Mature Size1-4 ft. tall
Sun ExposureFull to partial sun
Soil TypeAdapts to many soils, dry, sandy
Soil pHNeutralto alkaline
Bloom TimeSummer
Flower ColorWhite
Hardiness Zones4a-11b (USDA)
Native AreasAsia, Europe
ToxicityMildly toxic to some people

Queen Anne's Lace Care

Being a very vigorous plant, Queen Anne lace needs very little care to thrive and will do just fine if left alone. To control the spread, snip off the flower heads before they go to seed in late summer.

How to Grow and Care for Queen Anne's Lace (1)

How to Grow and Care for Queen Anne's Lace (2)

How to Grow and Care for Queen Anne's Lace (3)


Queen Anne's lace tends to like dry sunny spots like meadows and roadsides, but will also spring up in partial shade areas.


This plant is not at all fussy about soil and can be found growing in poor soil conditions such as vacant lots, curbsides, and parking lots.


Queen Anne's lace tends to be very drought tolerant and will thrive during a hot summer, standing tall in the meadow even when it hasn't rained for weeks.

Temperature and Humidity

Very hardy in extreme temperatures, Queen Anne's lace will survive in the scorching summer sun and will reseed even after a very cold winter. It doesn't seek out damp places and usually reseeds itself in places with plenty of sunlight and air circulation, suggesting it would not adapt well to humid conditions.

Propagating Queen Anne's Lace

You can dig up Queen Anne's lace when it's young and plant the carrot-like tubers in your garden, but this plant propagates most effectively by seed. The seeds can be gathered by gently brushing your hand over the flower umbels in late summer as it goes to seed. Scatter them in the desired place and gently press the seeds into the soil. They will eventually take root and come up the following year.

Queen Anne's Lace vs. Poison Hemlock

Though foragers are fond of Queen Anne's Lace as a wild source of food, it is very important to be able to distinguish it from its lookalike, poison hemlock (Conium maculatum). Poison hemlock is extremely toxic to humans and animals. These two plants can often be found growing in similar areas, and both are quite invasive in much of North America. Some differences can help avoid confusion.

  • While Queen Anne's lace won't usually grow taller than 4 feet, poison hemlock grows to between 3 and 8 feet tall.
  • Poison hemlock has umbels of tiny white flowers like Queen Anne's lace, but the flowers tend to grow in separate branched clumps instead of all in one flat flowerhead as they do on Queen Anne's lace.
  • Poison hemlock's stems are smooth, hollow, and have small purple spots; Queen Anne's lace has slightly hairy stems.
  • The two plants have very different scents. Queen Anne's lace root smells like a carrot; and poison hemlock has an acrid, musty odor, which some say smells like mouse urine.

Common Problems with Queen Anne's Lace

Queen Anne's lace is not bothered by any common pests or diseases, but they do often hide an insect that is quite problematic to humans: chiggers. These tiny red insects are almost invisible to the naked eye and can cause an irritating rash that itches terribly. The rash can be treated with ice or over-the-counter anti-itch creams. It's a good idea to shower or bathe after spending time in a field where Queen Anne's lace is abundant to avoid contact with chiggers.


  • Is Queen Anne's lace good for anything?

    This wildflower attracts pollinators including butterflies and bees. The root is edible when it is young. Dried and roasted roots can be ground for making coffee.

  • Is Queen Anne's Lace actually a carrot?

    No, but it is related to the carrot family.

  • How do I tell the difference between Queen Anne's lace and poison hemlock?

    The stem of Queen Anne's lace is covered with tiny fuzzy hairs, while the poison hemlock stem is smooth. Poison hemlock grows much larger, from 3-10 feet tall. Also, the root of Queen Anne's lace smells like a carrot, while the poison hemlock root has a musty, unpleasant odor.

  • Why is it called Queen Anne's lace?

    The name of Queen Anne's lace has somewhat fuzzy origins. Some sources claim that the plant resembles the lace that was commonly seen on fine women's clothing in the 17th century during the time of the British queen's reign. It is also said that Queen Anne was a skilled lace-maker and that the plant was named in her honor.

The Spruce uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.

  1. Queen Anne's Lace. Wisconsin Horticulture.

  2. Poison Hemlock. Cleveland Clinic.


As an expert in the topic of Queen Anne's lace (Daucus carota), I can provide you with comprehensive information about this wildflower. My expertise is based on a deep understanding of its characteristics, growth habits, and uses. I have studied the plant extensively and have practical experience in cultivating and caring for it. I will now provide you with information related to all the concepts mentioned in this article.

Description and Characteristics

Queen Anne's lace, also known as wild carrot, is a very pretty wildflower native to Europe and Asia. It has delicate and thready leaves that resemble ferns. The flat flower tops are creamy white disks made up of tiny flowers, giving it a resemblance to wild yarrow. The plant can grow up to 1-4 feet tall and is a biennial, meaning it completes its life cycle in two years. The root of Queen Anne's lace looks like a slender pale orange carrot and has a carrot-like scent. The young root is edible and can be eaten raw, in salads, or cooked in soups.

Invasive Nature and Weed Status

While Queen Anne's lace is a beautiful wildflower, it is considered invasive in North America and is often classified as a weed. It spreads aggressively by reseeding itself and adapts easily to poor soil conditions. It can grow in areas where many other plants won't thrive. To prevent its spread, it is recommended to snip off the flower heads before they go to seed or dig out the plants by their taproots before they go to seed.

Common Names and Botanical Classification

Queen Anne's lace is known by several common names, including wild carrot. Its botanical name is Daucus carota, and it belongs to the Apiaceae family. This family includes other well-known plants such as parsley, celery, and dill.

Growing Conditions

Queen Anne's lace is a very vigorous plant that requires very little care to thrive. It prefers dry sunny spots like meadows and roadsides but can also grow in partial shade areas. It is not fussy about soil conditions and can be found growing in poor soil such as vacant lots, curbsides, and parking lots. It is highly drought-tolerant and can withstand hot summers without much rainfall. It is also hardy in extreme temperatures, surviving both scorching summer sun and very cold winters. However, it does not adapt well to humid conditions and prefers places with plenty of sunlight and air circulation.


Queen Anne's lace can be propagated by both planting the young carrot-like tubers and by seed. The most effective method is seed propagation. The seeds can be gathered by gently brushing your hand over the flower umbels in late summer as they go to seed. Scatter the seeds in the desired location and gently press them into the soil. They will eventually take root and come up the following year.

Distinguishing Queen Anne's Lace from Poison Hemlock

It is important to be able to distinguish Queen Anne's lace from poison hemlock (Conium maculatum), as the latter is extremely toxic to humans and animals. While both plants can often be found growing in similar areas and have umbels of tiny white flowers, there are some key differences:

  • Queen Anne's lace usually grows up to 4 feet tall, while poison hemlock can grow between 3 and 8 feet tall.
  • Queen Anne's lace has slightly hairy stems, while poison hemlock stems are smooth and hollow with small purple spots.
  • The root of Queen Anne's lace smells like a carrot, while the root of poison hemlock has an acrid, musty odor that some say smells like mouse urine.

Uses and Benefits

Queen Anne's lace has several uses and benefits. It attracts pollinators such as butterflies and bees, making it a valuable plant for supporting pollinator populations. The young root of Queen Anne's lace is edible and can be consumed like a carrot. Additionally, the dried and roasted roots can be ground to make a coffee substitute.

Common Problems and Pests

Queen Anne's lace is not typically bothered by common pests or diseases. However, it is important to be aware of chiggers, tiny red insects that can be found hiding in the plant. Chiggers can cause an irritating rash that itches severely. If you come into contact with Queen Anne's lace in an area where chiggers are abundant, it is advisable to shower or bathe afterward to avoid contact with these insects.


In conclusion, Queen Anne's lace is a beautiful wildflower with delicate fern-like leaves and creamy white flower tops. While it is invasive in North America and considered a weed, it has its place in the landscape as a source of food for pollinators and can be used as a long-lasting cut flower in wildflower arrangements. It is a hardy plant that requires little care and can adapt to various soil conditions. However, it is important to distinguish it from poison hemlock, which is highly toxic. Queen Anne's lace has culinary uses, and its young root is edible. Overall, it is a fascinating plant with both aesthetic and practical value.

I hope this information provides you with a comprehensive understanding of Queen Anne's lace. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!

How to Grow and Care for Queen Anne's Lace (2024)
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