Discover the 15 Best Companion Plants to Help Peppers Grow (2024)

Peppers are a garden favorite for their vibrant colors, spicy flavors, and versatility in the kitchen.

But did you know that pairing peppers with the right companion plants can make them grow even better?

In this article, we’ll explore 15 of the best companion plants to help your peppers thrive.

So grab your gardening gloves and let’s get started!

1. Basil

Discover the 15 Best Companion Plants to Help Peppers Grow (1)

Basil is a popular herb that does wonders for peppers.

It helps repel pests like aphids, spider mites, and whiteflies.

The strong scent of basil masks the aroma of pepper plants, making it harder for pests to find them.

Additionally, basil is believed to improve the flavor of peppers when planted nearby.

Not only does basil benefit your peppers, but it also pairs well with tomatoes, which are in the same family as peppers.

Planting basil between pepper plants can also provide shade, keeping the soil moist and cool.

As a bonus, you can enjoy fresh basil in your culinary creations too!

2. Marigolds

Discover the 15 Best Companion Plants to Help Peppers Grow (2)

Marigolds are a classic companion plant for many vegetables, including peppers.

They produce a chemical called alpha-terthienyl, which helps to deter nematodes, tiny soil-dwelling pests.

Marigolds also attract beneficial insects like ladybugs and lacewings, which prey on aphids and other pests.

Their bright flowers add a splash of color to your garden, making it not only productive but beautiful.

Marigolds are low maintenance, drought-tolerant, and easy to grow from seed.

Simply plant marigolds around the border of your pepper bed for a natural pest barrier.

3. Oregano

Discover the 15 Best Companion Plants to Help Peppers Grow (3)

Oregano is another herb that makes a great companion for peppers.

Its strong scent confuses pests, keeping them away from your precious pepper plants.

Oregano can also help deter several common garden pests like cabbage moths, cucumber beetles, and squash bugs.

As a ground cover, oregano helps retain moisture in the soil and suppresses weeds.

This versatile herb is also a fantastic addition to your kitchen, especially in Italian and Mediterranean recipes.

Plant oregano near your peppers and enjoy the dual benefits of a thriving garden and delicious meals.

4. Garlic

Discover the 15 Best Companion Plants to Help Peppers Grow (4)

Garlic is not only a staple in the kitchen, but it also plays a valuable role in the garden.

See also 12 Bad Companion Plants for Garlic You Should Avoid

It produces a natural chemical that repels many pests, including aphids, Japanese beetles, and spider mites.

Garlic can also help deter larger pests like deer and rabbits due to its strong smell.

Plant garlic cloves between pepper plants in the fall, and they will be ready to harvest the following summer.

In addition to protecting your peppers, garlic can also improve the health of other plants like roses and fruit trees.

So, don’t hesitate to include garlic in your garden planning!

5. Onions

Discover the 15 Best Companion Plants to Help Peppers Grow (5)

Onions are another allium family member that benefits peppers.

They release a strong scent that deters pests like aphids, thrips, and cabbage loopers.

Onions also help suppress weeds and can improve the overall health of your garden soil.

To make the most of onions as companion plants, interplant them with your peppers in a checkerboard pattern.

This will allow the onions’ scent to disperse evenly throughout the pepper bed, offering maximum protection.

Plus, you’ll have a bountiful harvest of both peppers and onions to enjoy in your favorite dishes.

6. Chives

Discover the 15 Best Companion Plants to Help Peppers Grow (6)

Chives are a versatile herb and a valuable addition to any garden.

Their scent repels pests like aphids, mites, and Japanese beetles, protecting your peppers from these destructive insects.

Chives also attract pollinators like bees and butterflies, which is essential for a productive garden.

The flowers of chives are not only beautiful, but they are also edible, adding a delicate onion flavor to salads and dishes.

Plant chives along the borders of your pepper bed or intersperse them between your pepper plants.

With chives as a companion, you’ll have healthier pepper plants and an extra tasty herb to enjoy in your kitchen.

7. Parsley

Discover the 15 Best Companion Plants to Help Peppers Grow (7)

Parsley is an easy-to-grow herb that offers multiple benefits to pepper plants.

Its scent confuses pests and can help to deter them from your garden.

Parsley also attracts beneficial insects like ladybugs, hoverflies, and parasitic wasps, which keep harmful pests in check.

This versatile herb is rich in nutrients, so it can be used as green manure to improve soil quality.

Plant parsley throughout your pepper bed, and enjoy the benefits it offers to your garden, as well as its culinary uses in a variety of dishes.

See also 11 Bad Companion Plants for Onions You Should Avoid

8. Carrots

Discover the 15 Best Companion Plants to Help Peppers Grow (8)

Carrots and peppers make excellent companions because they have complementary growth habits.

Carrots have deep taproots that help to break up the soil, allowing pepper plants to access nutrients more easily.

As carrots grow, they also help to loosen the soil around pepper roots, improving aeration.

This combination can lead to healthier, more productive pepper plants.

Plant carrots and peppers together in a grid pattern, and you’ll have a bountiful harvest of both delicious veggies to enjoy.

9. Spinach

Discover the 15 Best Companion Plants to Help Peppers Grow (9)

Spinach is a wonderful companion for peppers due to its shallow root system and low-growing habit.

It acts as a living mulch, keeping the soil moist and cool around the pepper plants.

This is especially beneficial during hot summer months when pepper plants need extra moisture.

Spinach also provides a habitat for beneficial insects, helping to maintain a balanced ecosystem in your garden.

Plant spinach as an understory around your pepper plants, and you’ll have two tasty crops to harvest and enjoy.

10. Nasturtiums

Discover the 15 Best Companion Plants to Help Peppers Grow (10)

Nasturtiums are attractive, edible flowers that offer multiple benefits to pepper plants.

Their vibrant blooms attract pollinators like bees and butterflies, while their scent helps to deter pests like aphids, whiteflies, and squash bugs.

Nasturtiums can also act as a trap crop, luring pests away from your peppers and other vegetables.

Plant nasturtiums along the border of your pepper bed or in containers nearby.

You’ll enjoy the beauty they add to your garden and their peppery flavor in your salads and dishes.

11. Lettuce

Discover the 15 Best Companion Plants to Help Peppers Grow (11)

Lettuce is an excellent companion for peppers due to its low-growing habit and shallow root system.

Like spinach, lettuce can act as a living mulch, conserving moisture in the soil and suppressing weeds.

Lettuce also provides a habitat for beneficial insects like lacewings, ladybugs, and hoverflies.

Planting a variety of lettuce types among your pepper plants can also add visual interest to your garden.

Interplant lettuce with your peppers for a thriving garden and a bounty of fresh, tasty greens.

12. Beans

Discover the 15 Best Companion Plants to Help Peppers Grow (12)

Beans and peppers make a great team in the garden.

Beans are nitrogen-fixers, meaning they convert atmospheric nitrogen into a form that plants can use.

This natural fertilization process benefits pepper plants, promoting healthy growth and better fruit production.

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Additionally, beans provide support for pepper plants by stabilizing the soil and reducing erosion.

Plant pole beans or bush beans alongside your pepper plants for a mutually beneficial relationship and a bountiful harvest.

13. Tomatoes

Discover the 15 Best Companion Plants to Help Peppers Grow (13)

Tomatoes and peppers are both members of the nightshade family and share similar growing requirements.

They both enjoy full sun, well-draining soil, and consistent moisture.

Growing tomatoes and peppers together can help to conserve space and create a microclimate, which benefits both plants.

Keep in mind that they also share some common pests and diseases, so it’s essential to practice crop rotation and good garden hygiene.

Plant tomatoes and peppers in alternating rows or in a checkerboard pattern to make the most of their companion relationship.

14. Radishes

Discover the 15 Best Companion Plants to Help Peppers Grow (14)

Radishes are a quick-growing crop that can be an excellent companion for peppers.

They help to deter pests like aphids and flea beetles due to their pungent smell.

Radishes also have a deep taproot, which can help break up compacted soil, allowing pepper roots to grow more freely.

Their rapid growth makes radishes an ideal choice for interplanting with peppers, as they can be harvested before the pepper plants need the extra space.

Plant radishes among your peppers for a pest-free garden and a tasty, peppery harvest.

15. Dill

Discover the 15 Best Companion Plants to Help Peppers Grow (15)

Dill is a fragrant herb that offers multiple benefits to pepper plants.

Its scent helps to confuse and repel pests like aphids, spider mites, and whiteflies.

Dill also attracts beneficial insects like ladybugs, lacewings, and parasitic wasps, which help to control pest populations.

Plant dill near your pepper plants, but be cautious not to let it grow too tall, as it can shade your peppers.

Enjoy the benefits dill provides to your garden, as well as its flavorful addition to pickles, salads, and fish dishes.

Final Thoughts

Companion planting is a fantastic way to promote a healthy, productive garden while maximizing space and reducing the need for chemical pest control.

By incorporating these 15 companion plants into your pepper garden, you’ll enjoy a bountiful harvest of delicious peppers and a variety of other tasty vegetables, herbs, and flowers.

Happy gardening!

Discover the 15 Best Companion Plants to Help Peppers Grow (2024)
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