Death Smiles - TV Tropes (2024)

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Gilverado's Angels


Death Smiles - TV Tropes (1)

Voice: Naomi Iida

Age: 13

Height: 151cm

Blood Type: A

Origin: London, England

Magical Power: Wind

Weapon: Wing Blade

Familiar: Hoo the Owl

The main character, she is the newest member of Gilverado's Angels. She was raised in a happy family in England, when she was kidnapped. In a flash of light she was spirited away to Gilverado, where Count Dior took her in and taught her wind magic.

  • Animal Motifs: Owls and feathers
  • Blow You Away: Fights with wind magic.
  • Childhood Friends: With Sakura.
  • Curtains Match the Window: Has red hair and red eyes.
  • Drop Dead Gorgeous: One stage-complete image shows her lying in a casket with flowers.
  • Mythology Gag: She is dressed and hair-styled similarly to Alice. It's fitting, since the game is another product of CAVE.
  • The Owl-Knowing One: Her familiar, Hoo, is an owl sporting a bow tie.
  • Sleep Cute: In one of the second game's stage complete images.
  • Steven Ulysses Perhero: Her name, "Windia", references her wind magic.


Death Smiles - TV Tropes (2)

Voice: Miho Hayashi

Age: 11

Height: 142cm

Blood Type: B

Origin: Berlin, Germany

Magical Power: Death

Weapon: Haunt Scissors

Familiar: Kiki the Petit Evil

The youngest and most violent of the team, Casper was a German child who does not remember how she got to Gilverado, to the point that Gilverado is more her home than the real world. She fights with the power of Death.

  • A-Cup Angst: In her first ending in Deathsmiles IIX, in which she wears a "sexy" outfit whose top is too big to fit on her. The other girls express their disapproval to Casper. The main difference between this game series and an h-game is the camera angle.
  • Animal Motifs: Bats and devils.
  • Badass Adorable: While all of the main characters embody this trope, Casper (at least story-wise) is the youngest, yet very strong and the most violent of the Angels.
  • Bat Out of Hell: Lots of bat-type symbols in her outfit, and she also has bat wings.
  • Energy Weapon: Her shots comprise of plenty of lasers.
  • Funetik Aksent: She has a stereotypical German accent in the first game.
  • Girlish Pigtails: Her hair is styled into a pair of pigtails tied with bows shaped like bat wings.
  • Girl with Psycho Weapon: Her weapon is a big pair of scary scissors.
  • Good Wings, Evil Wings: She has a pair of bat wings on her back. She also has the most violent personality out of her fellow Angels.
  • Harmful to Minors: Her ending from the first game implies that, prior to arriving in Gilverado, she was kidnapped by a group of gangsters who may or may not have raped her. The incident was so traumatic that she completely lost her memories of the whole thing.
  • Little Miss Badass: She's the youngest of the group (before Supe came along), yet she uses the power of DEATH to rip enemies apart.
  • Necromancer: She has death-based magic. Need I say more?
  • Noodle Incident: Her ending in the first game suggests the incident that led to her losing her memories may have been more than just a a traumatic kidnapping...
  • Precision F-Strike: With a dash of Bilingual Bonus. In Sakura's "Stay" ending, she utters "Holy Scheiße!" in her mind. In other words, "Holy shit!"
  • Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Her "Leave" ending from the first game puts her back in the real world in front of the reason she was spirited away: her kidnappers. And with her powers and shears still intact. Oh, Crap! indeed.
  • Shear Menace: Her weapon is a giant, black, skull-themed pair of scissors.
  • Shout-Out: Her name references another character named "Casper".
  • Slasher Smile: Especially in the first game.
  • Trauma-Induced Amnesia: She disappeared during a kidnapping, and lost her memories prior to appearing in Gilverado.


Death Smiles - TV Tropes (3)

Voice: Rumi Abe

Age: 14

Height: 155cm

Blood Type: O

Origin: Paris, France

Magical Power: Fire

Weapon: Tome of Judgment and Wand of Justice

Familiar: Bobo the dragon

Hailing from France, Follett was drowning in an icy river when she ended up in Gilverado. Still freezing from the cold, her physical and emotional stress manifested into fire magic, burning down an entire forest. She still retains the power of fire, and uses it as a force of good.

  • Animal Motifs: Dragons.
  • Child Mage: Legally a child, anyhow.
  • Fanservice Pack: Her proportions are noticeably changed in the second game.
  • Fire-Breathing Weapon: Her dragon familiar Bobo can breathe fire at enemies, but unfortunately it has a pitiful hit range.
  • Hot Teacher: In her second ending in Deathsmiles IIX.
  • Intelligence Equals Isolation: She prefers to be alone with her magic book.
  • Magic Wand: Paired with her tome to cast her fire magic.
  • Our Dragons Are Different: Her pet dragon is smaller than she is and speaks very slowly.
  • Playing with Fire: Her magic centers around using flames as a weapon.
  • Traumatic Superpower Awakening: She got her fire magic from a near-death experience where she nearly drowned in an icy river.
  • The Stoic: She's rather level-headed and unflappable in comparison to her friends.


Death Smiles - TV Tropes (4)

Voice: Natsuko Tauchi

Age: 17

Height: 160cm (first game) / 162cm (second game)

Blood Type: O (first game) / AB (second game)

Origin: California, USA

Magical Power: Spirit User

Weapon: Thorny Whip

Familiar: Tee-Tee / Titi the Flower Nymph

The oldest and designated leader. Rosa came from California, USA. Her parents were owners of a bar there. She was spirited away to Gilverado when a car crash almost killed her. The first to meet Count Dior, it took her a long time to cope with her loneliness. She now leads the remaining children who join Count Dior's new family, fighting with powerful Spirit Magic.

  • Animal Motifs: Fairies and butterflies.
  • Bittersweet Ending: Her remaining in Gilverado. Though she has her friends and has gratitude for Dior saving her life, she's still hung up from considering trying to leave this life behind.
  • The Captain: Designated one, rather. She's the oldest of the group and the first one to arrive in Gilverado.
  • Cool Big Sis: To her fellow Angels, being the oldest and caring of the younger angels.
  • Dressed Like a Dominatrix: Her gloves, corset, and collar are typical dominatrix wear.
  • Fairy Companion: Her familiar, Titi, is a flower nymph who fights alongside her.
  • Fairy Sexy: In the first game, Titi is wearing nothing from the waist down. Rosa is also this when her fairy wings are active.
  • Fanservice Pack: Her proportions, and the relative size of her clothes to her body, are noticeably altered in the second game.
  • Flower Motifs: Roses. Her costume and weapon, a whip, have a rose theme going on. She's even named "Rosa". Her familar Titi shoots out projectiles that are shaped like roses.
  • Growing Up Sucks: If she decides to stay in Gilverado, she returns to Dior, apologizing for considering returning to the real world. Count Dior responds that she is an adult, and that was her choice to make. With her leaving being the happier ending, her staying is bittersweet at best.
  • Lipstick Lesbian: Almost literally - the main person she comes on to is Sakura, the only other character who wears lipstick. She is also shown putting lipstick on Follett in one of the stage-complete images.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Let's see, largest bust, corset, short skirt, and a whip? All those points check out.
  • Mythology Gag: She has the same hairstyle as Shizuka Iwaki.
  • Of Corsets Sexy: Her outfit includes a visible corset, and of course she's quite the looker.
  • Proud Beauty: She's confident about her good looks, and sometimes boasts about it in the middle of the action.
  • Snake Whip: She fights with a snake whip that has a rose-themed handle and a bramble-like tail.
  • Soul Power: She's called a "Spirit User", so her magic might be based around spirits.
  • Showgirl Skirt: That dress of hers has a slit at the front, showing off her underwear.
  • Stripperific: Easily shows the most skin compared to the girls and has some fetishistic elements to her ensemble.
  • Supporting Leader: She's the designated field leader for the Angels. That said, Windia is the protagonist, and the first game's story focuses on Sakura.
  • Valley Girl: In the NA version. Like, totally. She does come from California...
  • Whip of Dominance: Her weapon of choice is a whip, fitting with her flirtatious, domineering behavior and her Stripperiffic outfit that has some Dominatrix elements. Downplayed in the NA version, as her domineering aspect is downplayed in favor of acting more like a Valley Girl.


Death Smiles - TV Tropes (5)

Voice: Kaori Nakamura

Height: 155cm

Age: 15

Blood Type: AB

Origin: London, England

Familiars: Karko and Kuta

A boss in the first game, she is Jitterbug's daughter. Her family was caught up in a car crash, spiriting them to Gilverado, where her dark power manifested like her father. Unlike the heroes of the story, Sakura was stigmatized as a witch. She fights to protect her mother.

  • Abusive Parents: Jitterbug is a complete Jerkass who constantly mistreats his daughter. In her "leave" ending, he convinces her to abandon her sick and dying mother on a split-second decision. She later regrets doing this for the rest of her life.
  • Aerith and Bob: She's the only character with a Japanese name in a European-styled setting.
  • Archnemesis Dad: Jitterbug becomes this to her later on after her Heel–Face Turn.
  • Animal Motifs: Spiders & ravens.
  • Barely-Changed Dub Name: She's referred to as her alias "Sacula" in Japanese. Her alias is dropped in English, opting to use her real name.
  • Be All My Sins Remembered: Her "leave" ending. Jitterbug convinces her to leave her sick and dying mother in Gilverado on a split second decision. In the real world, they live a successful life of crime, but she forever regrets leaving her mother. Some of the other girls have a hint of this in their "leave" endings as well, but theirs end on a more lighthearted note.
  • The Cameo: In a few of the endings of Deathsmiles IIX.
  • Childhood Friends: With Windia.
  • Defeat Means Friendship: After she's defeated by Windia and her friends, she joins their side and enlists them as allies in helping her stop her father Jitterbug.
  • Deuteragonist: In the first game, while Windia's the protagonist, she's the most plot-relevant character, what with her dad being the Big Bad.
  • Difficult, but Awesome: Normally, the original four's familiars shoot in the same direction you're shooting. Sakura's familiars don't follow that rule, and instead shoot in the opposite direction of your movement (i.e. You move down, they point up.), causing a lot of confusion to the uninitiated. Take the time to learn her, though, and you'll find out she effectively has a 360 degree shooting range, giving her extensive screen coverage like no other and can clear away suicide bullets like a champ, thanks to having two familiars at her disposal.
  • Enemy Without: When playing as her, one of these is created at the end of stage B-2 so that the boss battle won't need to be changed. In this scenario, the boss battle is treated as a fight to resolve herself.
  • Evil Laugh: Not that she's evil, but to fit her witchy aesthetic. She sometimes lets one out when a stage is cleared.
  • Evil Wears Black: Subverted, she may be a witch, but her only reason she's a boss fight is out of defense of her mother.
  • Eye of Newt: Her cooking looks like a parody of the classic Macbeth recipe which looks gross to Casper. It turns out her cooking is actually quite good, and loved by the other characters. In Casper's second ending in Deathsmiles IIX, Casper still doesn't show any interest in trying out Sakura's cooking.
  • Hot Witch: Sakura is not as well-developed as Rosa and Follett, but she does wear makeup and is quite mature for her age.
  • Promoted to Playable: She was made the 5th playable character in Mega Black Label.
  • The Sixth Ranger: She joins the Angels in the final stage.
  • Witch Classic: Very much her style here, though she's not one by choice. She's got the clothes, broom, and magic, but falls shy of being a Wicked Witch as she's against her father's ambitions.

Princess Tiara

Death Smiles - TV Tropes (6)

Voice: Eriko Yamana

Origin: Gilverado

Familiar: Mu

She originally appeared in the third drama CD as the grand-daughter of the Queen of Gilverado. She was unable to use magic, and thus sought the ability within the Ice Palace. Several months later, a freakish purple animal approached her and unlocked her magic potential. This animal, who she named Mu, then ordered her to fight against a new wave demonic invaders. She buys items from Sakura in order to increase her power.

  • The High Queen: If she decides not to forgive Mu.
  • Ojou Ringlets: The hair hanging in front of her shoulders are styled into loose ringlets.
  • Parasol of Prettiness: She's a member of royalty who carries around a purple parasol at all times.
  • Royal Brat: She states that nobody in her kingdom is allowed to be more selfish than her.
  • Star Power: Her familiar shoots out stereotypical five-pointed stars.


Death Smiles - TV Tropes (7)

Voice: Yasuko Funasaka

Age: 12

Height: 154cm

Blood Type: A

Origin: Copenhagen, Denmark

Familiars: Pipi and Pepe

A 12-year-old boy from Copenhagen, Denmark introduced in the second game, and the brother of Supe. He tried to rescue Supe from falling through ice, but ended up in Gilverado instead. After arriving in Gilverado, he encountered a drunk bum named Goldberg, who enslaved him. Goldberg decided to try a money-making scheme in which he would pretend to be Count Dior and Lei would wear an angelic maid uniform, when the events of the game began and Lei found himself caught up in the battle against Satan Claws.

  • Bittersweet Ending: In his second ending, he seems to be happy but Goldberg appears unreformable.
  • Cleavage Window: In the shape of a heart.
  • Dude Looks Like a Lady: His description in the history mode of the iOS port of Deathsmiles also states that he looks like a girl. One reviewDeath Smiles - TV Tropes (8) even says, "Cue Admiral Ackbar!" (ref. "It's a trap!")
  • Good Angel, Bad Angel: His familiars are these, or at least, light and dark angels.
  • Heart Symbol: Goes with the whole Cupid & cherub theme of his outfit.
  • Moveset Clone: He uses Sakura's playstyle, but his shots are much different and harder to utilize.
  • The One Guy: He's the token dude among the playable characters.
  • Wholesome Crossdresser: He is dressed up in gothloli clothes just like the girls.
  • Your Door Was Open: In his first ending, Casper walks in on him while he's changing out of his outfit. And it's shown to be a single-piece outfit that is either all the way on or all the way off.


Death Smiles - TV Tropes (9)

Voice: Anna Kagami

Age: 7

Height: 115cm

Blood Type: AB

Origin: Copenhagen, Denmark

Familiar: The ghost of Tyrannosatan

A tiny, seven year old girl from Denmark who somehow acquired the evil power of Tyrannosatan. She was ice skating, but then fell through and ended up in Gilverado. The first person she met was Satan Claws. She was later found on the streets by Windia, and taken in to live with the others. Satan Claws had planned for this and exploited Supe in order to mortally wound Count Dior and steal the Wish Notes.

  • Bad Powers, Good People: Her familiar is none other than Tyrannosatan! Despite this, she's a sweet and adorable girl.
  • Badass Adorable: Again, Tyrannosatan is her familiar.
  • Bookworm: In her second ending, she falls asleep while reading a book. In Follet's second ending in Deathsmiles IIX, Supe is the only one who appears to enjoy learning.
  • Creepy Child: She is introduced as possessed by evil when Count Dior falls in the second game.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: Her familiar is Tyrannosatan. She's also one of the heroes.
  • In the Hood: She wears a frilly short cape with the hood pulled over her head.
  • Living Shadow: Shown in one of the stage-complete images.
  • Manchurian Agent: Apparently used as part of Satan Claws' plan to steal the Wish Notes.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Subverted! She may have the red-eyed Tyrannosatan by her side, but since the familiar is with her, he's on the heroes' side.
  • Pink Is Feminine: Her lolita outfit is colored pink to emphasize her femininity and childish innocence.
  • Sleep Cute: In her second ending, in which she fell asleep while reading a book.
  • The Unintelligible: The ghost of Tyrannosatan simply makes grunting noises.

Non-Playable Characters

Count Dior

Voice: Junpei Asashina

Age: 66

Height: 183 cm

Blood Type: AB

The Big Good of the story, Dior lived a lonely existence for most of his life, due to his magical power. When he found Rosa, he saw a resemblance to how he ended up in Gilverado, and decided to take care of her and teach her magic. He then devoted himself to taking care of the "Lost Children" who end up in Gilverado. He is also an ally of the King. He owns a treasure chest containing a set of magic Wish Notes which can grant one wish.

  • Back from the Dead: In the default ending of the second game.
  • Big Good: As the caretaker of the main characters, who teaches them to use their powers for the people's benefit.
  • Healing Hands: In most endings he is shown to use his powers to heal Sakura's ailing mother and drastically improve her condition, except Sakura's Leave ending where it is unknown
  • Old Master: He's the guy responsible for teaching our main heroines how to use their respective magics for good.
  • Sudden Sequel Death Syndrome: Gets killed by Satan Claws in the sequel, kicking off the plot of the game.



Death Smiles - TV Tropes (10)

Voice: Junya Inoue

Age: 44

Height: 185 cm

Blood Type: AB

Origin: London, England

The villain of Deathsmiles, he was a corrupt stock broker from England who was obsessed with money. His entire family was in a car crash when he, his wife and daughter all ended up in Gilverado. One would think that he and his daughter Sakura were therefore better off than the children who ended up in Gilverado alone. Instead, Jitterbug's anger and desire to get back to the real world manifested into evil power. Obsessed with leaving the spiritual world of Gilverado to get back in the real world and a life of material wealth, he experiments with the gates of hell to find a way back.

  • Abusive Parents: To Sakura, who he constantly mistreats and belittles and even convinces her to abandon her sick, dying mother in her "leave" ending in the first game.
  • Archnemesis Dad: Becomes this to his daughter Sakura post-Heel–Face Turn in her storyline
  • Badass in a Nice Suit: In the real world he switches to a black coat and hat. He also wears these as Pidgeon Blood Jitterbug.
  • Beard of Evil: Shaved off in his real world outfits.
  • Corrupt Corporate Executive: Jitterbug was one of these in the real world.
  • Creator Cameo: He is voiced by the artist and planner of the game series, Junya Inoue.
  • Karma Houdini: Despite a mauling by Tyrannosatan, he successfully flees to the real world with his powers intact. He later returns as a secret boss in the sequel, and actually has to take care of his wife and daughter in the sequel's true ending.
  • Money, Dear Boy: In-Universe; he quite literally wants to leave the spiritual realm of Gilverado so he can return to a life of material wealth.
  • Swallowed Whole: By Tyrannosatan. Well, Tyrannosatan does bite him first, at least. He's still pretty intact when he falls out of Tyrannosatan after you destroy his ribcage, though.
  • True Final Boss: As Bloody Jitterbug in the first game and Pidgeon Blood Jitterbug in the second.


A gigantic creature appearing as the final boss of the first game. It appears to be a cross between a flying dinosaur, a bird, and a skeletal dragon with an exposed beating heart. Its ghost returns in the second game as Supe's familiar.

  • Eldritch Abomination: He looks little like a T-Rex, and little like Satan, and describing him beyond "supernatural, skeletal, pteradon" wouldn't be easy.
  • Giant Space Flea from Nowhere: Tyrannosatan suddenly appears and chews on Jitterbug near the end of the first game.
  • Just Eat Him: He eats Jitterbug, first by biting him, then swallowing him whole.
  • Names to Run Away from Really Fast: Let's repeat, DEMONIC...IMPERATOR..TYRANNOSATAN
  • Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: Satan as a dinosaur.
  • Satan: It's right there in the name.

Mu the Dream Eater

A dream eater responsible for the deaths/permanent sleep of many. It decides to make its home in the subconscious of Princess Tiara.

  • Baku: His tapir-like appearance and association with dreams invokes the baku youkai.
  • Dream Stealer: His true goal is to harvest people's dreams to fuel his magic so that he can return to his home realm. This is a problem because stealing humans' dreams has lethal repercussions for the victims.
  • Evil Laugh: "Ku-fu-fu-fu..."
  • One-Winged Angel: A big tapir/elephant-looking thing with a single tusk.
  • Power of the Void: Its name is "Mu," which is the Japanese word for void, and it derives its power outside of physical reality.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Whenever he talks about his Evil Plan, his eyes in his portrait turn red.
  • Treacherous Advisor: To its master Princess Tiara. In truth he's a monstrous dream eater who's responsible for either killing people through dreams, or landing his victims in permanent comas.
  • The Unintelligible: In the real world, it can only say "Mu."

Satan Claws

Death Smiles - TV Tropes (11)

Voice: Sei Hara

Age: 50?

Height: 190cm

Origin: Finland

The villain of the second game. He arrived in Gilverado some time ago and fought against Count Dior, but lost the battle and was sealed in the demon dimension. As Christmas approached, he returned and met Supe. He then exploited her in order to mortally wound Count Dior and steal the Wish Notes for himself. He has a great affinity for cute things.

  • Acrofatic: Satan Claws sure is jolly and mobile.
  • Bad Santa: As if his name didn't clue you in, he also wants to kill Count Dior and steal his Wish Notes, and used the adorable child Supe for his own ends.
  • Big Bad: Of the second game.
  • Dirty Old Man: The opinion of pretty much every character who meets him.
  • Dragged Off to Hell: After being defeated.
  • Egopolis: In the second game, the bonus stage is a Circus of Fear dedicated to himself.
  • Fat Bastard: He's quite a rotund character, and he's the second game's Big Bad.
  • Glowing Eyes of Doom: His character image depicts him with glowing red eyes.
  • I'm a Humanitarian: He wants to eat Lei.
  • I'm Taking Her Home with Me!: One picture shows Satan Claus picking up Supe, commenting on her cuteness.
  • Make My Monster Grow: Satan Claws does this to himself.
  • Names to Run Away from Really Fast: Satan Claws.
  • Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: Satan as Santa Claus.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Has red eyes, and is the Big Bad of the second game who wants to steal Count Dior's Wish Notes.
  • Slasher Smile: Just look at his character image!
  • Was Once a Man: He was originally a man from Finland.
Death Smiles - TV Tropes (2024)
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