30+ Fabulous Plants That Start With T (2024)

Welcome to the magical world of ‘Plants that Start with T’!

Get ready to embark on an exciting journey through nature’s alphabet as we explore the wonderful plants that begin with the letter ‘T.’ From tall trees to tiny treasures, our article is your ticket to discover the amazing stories and secrets of these special plants.

Join us for a colorful adventure filled with fun facts, beautiful pictures, and maybe even a touch of plant magic!

So, grab your gardening hat and let’s dive into the fantastic world of ‘Plants that Start with T’ – where every leaf tells a tale!

Beautiful Plants Starting With T

Discover the coolest green pals in our ‘List of Plants Starting with T’!

From towering trees to tiny ferns, this list is a treasure trove of nature’s wonders. Join us on a fun-filled journey as we explore these plant superheroes that all begin with the awesome letter ‘T.’

Let the green adventure begin!


30+ Fabulous Plants That Start With T (1)

Tulips are colorful flowers that bloom in spring. They need sunlight and well-drained soil. Tulips bring joy to gardens.

Origin: Tulips come from Central Asia and Turkey.

Uses: Tulips make gardens beautiful, and their bulbs are used for planting.

Care: Plant tulips in sunny spots, water them, and watch them bloom in spring.

Benefits: Tulips add beauty to the environment and bring smiles to people.

Fun Fact: Tulips close at night or on cloudy days, like they’re taking a little nap!


30+ Fabulous Plants That Start With T (2)

Tansy is a yellow-flowered plant that grows in gardens. It needs sunlight and well-drained soil to thrive.

Origin: Tansy is native to Europe and Asia.

Uses: Tansy is planted for its pretty flowers and can be used as a natural insect repellent.

Care: Plant tansy in sunny areas, water regularly, and enjoy its cheerful blooms.

Benefits: Tansy helps keep away pesky insects from the garden.

Fun Fact: Tansy was once used to flavor puddings and omelets in cooking.

Tiger Lily

30+ Fabulous Plants That Start With T (3)

With vibrant orange petals, Tiger Lilies add a burst of color. They love sunlight and bloom in summer, bringing joy.

Origin: Tiger Lilies originate from Asia, and their name comes from the bold tiger-like patterns on their petals.

Uses: People love Tiger Lilies for their beauty, often planting them in gardens and using them in bouquets.

Care: Plant them in well-drained soil, water regularly, and watch these lovelies thrive in sunny spots.

Benefits: Tiger Lilies attract butterflies, making gardens a colorful and lively space for both kids and insects.

Fun Fact: In some cultures, Tiger Lilies symbolize prosperity, happiness, and positive energy.


30+ Fabulous Plants That Start With T (4)

Trilliums, with three elegant petals, grace the forest floor. These shade-loving plants are like nature’s own delicate ornaments.

Origin: Trilliums are native to North America, creating enchanting carpets in wooded areas, especially in spring.

Uses: People admire Trilliums for their unique appearance, often transplanting them to shaded gardens for a touch of woodland charm.

Care: Plant them in moist, rich soil, and ensure they get filtered sunlight, mimicking their natural woodland habitat.

Benefits: Trilliums help maintain a balanced forest ecosystem by providing a habitat for small creatures and enriching the soil.

Fun Fact: Trilliums take years to bloom, teaching patience as they reward with breathtaking flowers in the end.

Tea Plant

30+ Fabulous Plants That Start With T (5)

The Tea Plant brings us the comfort of warm tea. Its glossy leaves hold the secret to soothing sips.

Origin: Originally from China, the Tea Plant spread worldwide, becoming the source of the world’s favorite beverage.

Uses: Tea Plants’ leaves, when dried and brewed, create various teas, offering flavors from green to black.

Care: Plant Tea in acidic soil, keep it moist, and enjoy watching your own tea garden flourish.

Benefits: Tea from these plants carries antioxidants, promoting a healthy heart and boosting energy.

Fun Fact: All types of tea, whether green, black, or oolong, come from the same Tea Plant, Camellia sinensis.

Tiger’s Jaw

30+ Fabulous Plants That Start With T (6)

Tiger’s Jaw succulent, with tooth-like leaves, adds a touch of the wild to your plant collection. It’s easy to care for.

Origin: Hailing from South Africa, Tiger’s Jaw thrives in arid regions, showcasing its adaptability.

Uses: Popular as a houseplant, Tiger’s Jaw adds a unique flair to windowsills and desks with its distinctive appearance.

Care: Place it in well-draining soil, water sparingly, and enjoy this hardy succulent’s resilience.

Benefits: Tiger’s Jaw purifies the air, making it an excellent choice for indoor spaces and promoting a healthier environment.

Fun Fact: When watered, Tiger’s Jaw closes its toothy leaves, creating a fascinating sight for curious plant enthusiasts

Torch Lily

30+ Fabulous Plants That Start With T (7)

Torch Lily is a vibrant flower with tall spikes resembling torches. It loves sunny spots and blooms in fiery colors, attracting butterflies.

Origin: Native to South Africa, Torch Lily thrives in warm climates, adding a splash of tropical beauty to gardens.

Uses: It’s cherished for its stunning appearance, making gardens colorful and attracting pollinators like butterflies.

Care: Plant in well-draining soil, water regularly, and provide plenty of sunlight for these beauties to flourish.

Benefits: Torch Lily adds a burst of joy to your garden, creating a welcoming space for nature’s winged wonders.

Fun Fact: The Torch Lily is also known as the “Red Hot Poker” due to its striking flame-like appearance.


30+ Fabulous Plants That Start With T (8)

Tumbleweed, a rolling plant, is nature’s playful explorer, scattering its seeds as it tumbles across landscapes in the wind.

Origin: Originally from Russia, Tumbleweed has become a symbol of the American West, bouncing across prairies.

Uses: Tumbleweeds spread seeds and help in plant reproduction, embracing a whimsical role in nature’s theater.

Care: These carefree plants need little attention, as they tumble freely, spreading seeds and embracing the wind’s playful dance.

Benefits: Tumbleweeds play a vital role in dispersing seeds, contributing to the growth of new plants.

Fun Fact: In movies, tumbleweeds often roll across deserted landscapes, creating a classic Western film scene.


30+ Fabulous Plants That Start With T (9)

Twinflower, a delicate woodland beauty, showcases paired blossoms and spreads a sweet fragrance, attracting woodland creatures.

Origin: Native to cool temperate regions, Twinflower loves shady spots, flourishing in the enchanting world of forests.

Uses: Its charming appearance makes it a favorite in gardens, inviting fairies and butterflies into their fragrant abode.

Care: Plant in rich, moist soil, and keep in a shaded area for these twin-blossomed wonders to thrive.

Benefits: Twinflowers bring a touch of magic to gardens, creating a whimsical atmosphere that delights both young and old.

Fun Fact: Twinflower’s scientific name, Linnaea borealis, honors the Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus and the northern regions it inhabits.

Ti Plant

30+ Fabulous Plants That Start With T (10)

Ti Plant, with vibrant, sword-shaped leaves, is a tropical stunner, adding a burst of color to gardens and homes.

Origin: Hailing from Southeast Asia, the Ti Plant thrives in warm climates, embracing its tropical heritage.

Uses: Besides being a decorative plant, Ti leaves are used in Hawaiian culture for leis and good luck charms.

Care: Plant in well-draining soil, provide warmth and moisture, and watch the Ti Plant grow into a tropical paradise.

Benefits: Ti Plant brings tropical vibes indoors and outdoors, uplifting spirits with its vibrant foliage.

Fun Fact: In Hawaiian folklore, Ti Plant is believed to bring good luck and positive energy.

Tiger Orchid

30+ Fabulous Plants That Start With T (11)

Tiger Orchid, a stunning floral marvel, boasts intricate patterns resembling a tiger’s stripes, captivating nature enthusiasts.

Origin: Native to Southeast Asia, Tiger Orchids thrive in warm, humid climates, showcasing their exotic beauty in tropical landscapes.

Uses: Admired for their unique appearance, Tiger Orchids are often grown as ornamental plants, adding elegance to gardens.

Care: Provide a humid environment, well-draining soil, and indirect sunlight to ensure these exotic blooms flourish.

Benefits: Tiger Orchids contribute to biodiversity, attracting pollinators with their intricate patterns and fragrant blooms.

Fun Fact: Some Tiger Orchids can grow to be as tall as a person, making them a spectacular sight in tropical rainforests.

Thorn Apple

30+ Fabulous Plants That Start With T (12)

Thorn Apple, also known as Datura, is a poisonous plant with striking trumpet-shaped flowers. Its hallucinogenic properties have been historically used in rituals. However, its toxicity makes it dangerous.

Origin: South America.

Uses: Not for eating! Traditionally used in medicine, but it’s toxic.

Care: Prefers sun, well-drained soil. Handle with care!

Benefits: Used in medicine, but it’s important to keep it away from children.

Fun Fact: Also called “Devil’s Trumpet,” it’s known for its mystical and sometimes dangerous properties.

Turkish Hazel

30+ Fabulous Plants That Start With T (13)

Turkish Hazel, scientifically known as Corylus colurna, is a deciduous tree native to southeastern Europe and western Asia. Notable for its symmetrical shape, the tree produces edible hazelnuts.

Origin: Turkey.

Uses: Squirrels love its nuts! Humans enjoy roasted hazelnuts, and its wood is used for small items.

Care: Likes partial shade, moist soil. Water regularly for happy hazelnuts.

Benefits: Provides tasty nuts for animals and humans. Its wood is used in crafting.

Fun Fact: Squirrels plant many hazelnuts, and sometimes they forget where they buried them!

Thornless Rose

30+ Fabulous Plants That Start With T (14)

The beauty without the pricks, Thornless Rose graces gardens with its stunning blooms and sweet fragrance.

Origin: Asia.

Uses: Symbol of love! Used in perfumes, cosmetics, and herbal teas.

Care: Full sun, well-drained soil. Prune for shape and deadhead for more blooms.

Benefits: Symbolizes love, and its fragrance is used in various products.

Fun Fact: The world’s oldest rose is believed to be over 1,000 years old.

Turk’s Cap

30+ Fabulous Plants That Start With T (15)

A whimsical wildflower, Turk’s Cap dons a unique shape resembling a cap and attracts hummingbirds to its vibrant blooms.

Origin: North America.

Uses: Attracts hummingbirds! Some varieties are edible, and its leaves are used in traditional medicine.

Care: Shade to part shade, well-drained soil. Low maintenance and drought-tolerant.

Benefits: Attracts hummingbirds and has medicinal uses.

Fun Fact: The flowers never fully open, creating a distinctive cap-like appearance.

Toad Lily

30+ Fabulous Plants That Start With T (16)

A charming woodland plant, Toad Lily surprises with its orchid-like flowers, adding a touch of magic to shaded gardens.

Origin: Asia.

Uses: Ornamental. Used in traditional medicine in some cultures.

Care: Shade to part shade, moist soil. Keep soil consistently damp.

Benefits: Adds enchantment to shaded gardens and has medicinal properties.

Fun Fact: The name comes from the belief that toads bring luck, and the flowers resemble tiny toads.


30+ Fabulous Plants That Start With T (17)

Thistle refers to a diverse group of flowering plants, known for their prickly leaves and vibrant, spiky flower heads. Despite their thorny appearance, some thistles have culinary and medicinal uses.

Origin: It originated from Europe and is loved for its beautiful appearance and symbolism.

Uses: People use thistle for decoration and as a symbol of protection. It’s also the national emblem of Scotland.

Care: Thistles thrive in well-drained soil and need sunlight. Regular watering and pruning help maintain their health and beauty.

Benefits: Thistle attracts pollinators like bees and butterflies, supporting the ecosystem. Its seeds provide food for birds.

Fun Fact: Did you know? Thistle is the national flower of Scotland, chosen for its tough and resilient nature.

Tree Fern

30+ Fabulous Plants That Start With T (18)

Tree Ferns are ancient plants with a unique, fern-like appearance, characterized by a tall trunk and large, feathery fronds. Found in tropical and subtropical regions, these ferns thrive in shaded, moist environments.

Origin: Originating from tropical and subtropical regions, tree ferns have been around since the time of dinosaurs.

Uses: Tree ferns are great for landscaping, providing a lush, green atmosphere. They’re not just plants; they’re living fossils.

Care: Keep tree ferns in shaded areas with moist, well-draining soil. Regular watering and protection from frost ensure their well-being.

Benefits: Tree ferns contribute to a healthy garden ecosystem by providing shelter for small animals and insects.

Fun Fact: Tree ferns have been on Earth for over 300 million years, surviving changes that dinosaurs couldn’t!

Trumpet Vine

30+ Fabulous Plants That Start With T (19)

Trumpet vines have vibrant orange flowers that attract hummingbirds and butterflies, making any garden lively.

Origin: Native to the southeastern United States, trumpet vines thrive in warm climates with plenty of sunlight.

Uses: Used for climbing on fences and trellises, trumpet vines create natural screens and add color to outdoor spaces.

Care: Plant in well-draining soil, water regularly, and provide support for their climbing nature. Pruning helps control their growth.

Benefits: Trumpet vines attract pollinators, contributing to a healthy garden ecosystem. They’re a delight for nature lovers.

Fun Fact: Hummingbirds love trumpet vines, and their long bills perfectly match the shape of the vibrant flowers.

Tree Peony

30+ Fabulous Plants That Start With T (20)

Tree peonies are beautiful, large flowers that come in various colors, adding elegance to any garden.

Origin: Originally from China, tree peonies have a rich history and are highly valued in traditional Chinese gardens.

Uses: Tree peonies are cherished for their ornamental value, often used in gardens and floral arrangements.

Care: Plant in well-drained soil, provide sunlight, and protect from strong winds. Regular pruning enhances their blooming.

Benefits: Besides their stunning appearance, tree peonies symbolize good fortune and happiness in Chinese culture.

Fun Fact: Tree peonies can live for centuries, with some ancient varieties still thriving in Chinese gardens.

Tree of Heaven

30+ Fabulous Plants That Start With T (21)

The tree of heaven is a fast-growing plant with compound leaves, adaptable to various environments.

Origin: Originally from China, the tree of heaven has spread worldwide due to its ability to thrive in diverse conditions.

Uses: Used in urban landscaping, the tree of heaven provides shade and grows in challenging environments.

Care: These trees are hardy but need well-drained soil. Pruning and controlling their growth prevent invasiveness.

Benefits: Tree of heaven absorbs pollutants, making it valuable for improving air quality in urban areas.

Fun Fact: Despite its name, the tree of heaven can be invasive, pushing out native plants in some regions.

Tiger Bark Ficus

30+ Fabulous Plants That Start With T (22)

Tiger bark ficus is a tropical tree with distinctive bark patterns, adding an exotic touch to indoor spaces.

Origin: Native to Southeast Asia, the tiger bark ficus thrives in warm, humid climates.

Uses: Popular as an indoor plant, it’s appreciated for its unique bark and ability to adapt to various light conditions.

Care: Keep in well-draining soil, provide bright, indirect light, and water moderately. Prune for shape and size control.

Benefits: Tiger bark ficus enhances indoor air quality by filtering pollutants and increasing oxygen levels.

Fun Fact: The bark of the tiger bark ficus resembles the fur of a tiger, adding a touch of the wild indoors.

Tree Mallow

30+ Fabulous Plants That Start With T (23)

With fuzzy leaves and pink blooms, Tree Mallow loves sunny spots. Originating from Europe, it’s a lovely garden addition. Kids adore its soft petals.

Origin: Tree Mallow comes from Europe and is now a happy resident in gardens worldwide.

Uses: Kids love its soft petals, and it adds charm to gardens with its pink blooms.

Care: Plant in sunny spots, water regularly, and watch it bloom happily in your garden.

Benefits: Tree Mallow brings beauty to gardens and teaches kids about caring for plants.

Fun Fact: Its fuzzy leaves feel like velvet, making it a favorite for touchy-feely exploration!

Trailing Vinca

30+ Fabulous Plants That Start With T (24)

With shiny leaves and periwinkle flowers, Trailing Vinca is a ground cover delight. Originating in Madagascar, it’s a tough and pretty plant for playful spaces.

Origin: Trailing Vinca hails from Madagascar, bringing a touch of exotic beauty to gardens.

Uses: Kids enjoy its shiny leaves and periwinkle flowers that make it perfect for ground cover.

Care: Hardy and low-maintenance, Trailing Vinca thrives in various conditions, spreading joy in your garden.

Benefits: This tough plant adds beauty to spaces while teaching kids about resilience and care.

Fun Fact: Trailing Vinca is like a nature carpet, creating a green playground for little creatures in your garden!

Tree Begonia

30+ Fabulous Plants That Start With T (25)

With glossy leaves and colorful blooms, Tree Begonia brightens any garden. Originating in South America, it’s a vibrant addition to gardens, pleasing both eyes and hearts.

Origin: Tree Begonia, originating from South America, brings vibrant colors and joy to gardens worldwide.

Uses: Kids love its glossy leaves and colorful blooms, making it a charming addition to any garden.

Care: Plant in shaded areas, keep soil moist, and watch Tree Begonia flourish in your garden.

Benefits: Besides its beauty, Tree Begonia teaches kids about the importance of shade and moisture.

Fun Fact: These plants are like nature’s artists, painting gardens with their vibrant colors!

Tufted Evening Primrose

30+ Fabulous Plants That Start With T (26)

With golden-yellow flowers, Tufted Evening Primrose adds sunshine to gardens. Originating in North America, it’s a bright and cheerful plant for kids to enjoy.

Origin: Tufted Evening Primrose is native to North America, spreading its golden cheer to gardens.

Uses: Kids adore its golden-yellow flowers, bringing brightness and joy to any garden space.

Care: Plant in well-drained soil, water occasionally, and let this cheerful plant light up your garden.

Benefits: Tufted Evening Primrose teaches kids about the beauty of nature and the importance of sunlight.

Fun Fact: These flowers bloom in the evening, turning your garden into a magical golden wonderland!

Tree Poppy

30+ Fabulous Plants That Start With T (27)

With vibrant orange blooms, Tree Poppy is a showstopper. Originating in California, it’s a splash of sunshine. Kids love its dazzling flowers in the garden.

Origin: Tree Poppy, originating in California, brings a splash of sunshine with its vibrant orange blooms.

Uses: Kids are enchanted by its dazzling flowers, turning gardens into a vibrant paradise.

Care: Plant in well-drained soil, water moderately, and watch Tree Poppy steal the garden spotlight.

Benefits: Besides its beauty, Tree Poppy teaches kids about the diverse flora and ecosystems.

Fun Fact: These flowers resemble sunshine, bringing warmth and happiness to any garden!

Tidy Tips

30+ Fabulous Plants That Start With T (28)

With yellow and white petals, Tidy Tips is a charming wildflower. Originating in North America, it’s a delightful addition to meadows. Kids enjoy its simple beauty.

Origin: Tidy Tips, originating in North America, graces meadows with its simple and charming beauty.

Uses: Kids love these wildflowers with their yellow and white petals, creating meadow magic.

Care: Tidy Tips thrive in meadows, bringing joy with their uncomplicated care and natural beauty.

Benefits: Tidy Tips encourage kids to appreciate the beauty of wildflowers and the importance of natural habitats.

Fun Fact: These flowers look like they’ve been painted by little hands, adding a touch of whimsy to meadows!

Tree Tobacco

30+ Fabulous Plants That Start With T (29)

With trumpet-shaped flowers, Tree Tobacco is a unique plant. Originating in South America, it’s a fascinating addition to gardens. Kids are intrigued by its trumpet-like blooms.

Origin: Tree Tobacco, from South America, adds a touch of fascination with its unique trumpet-shaped flowers.

Uses: Kids find its trumpet-like blooms intriguing, making it a fascinating addition to gardens.

Care: Plant in well-drained soil, water regularly, and let Tree Tobacco captivate your garden.

Benefits: Besides its uniqueness, Tree Tobacco teaches kids about the diversity of plant forms.

Fun Fact: Its flowers are like musical trumpets, adding a playful melody to your garden!


30+ Fabulous Plants That Start With T (30)

Twinflower, tiny and pink, loves shady spots. Kids, it’s like nature’s ballet dancers, swaying gracefully in cool forests.

Origin: Twinflower hails from cool, northern regions. It loves places with lots of shade and moisture.

Uses: Used in herbal remedies, Twinflower helps with sleep troubles. Its beauty also brings joy to nature lovers.

Care: Plant in shaded areas with moist soil. Water regularly to keep this delicate dancer happy and healthy.

Benefits: Twinflower has calming properties, aiding in relaxation and sleep. Its presence adds natural beauty to gardens, encouraging a peaceful atmosphere.

Fun Fact: Twinflower’s name comes from its twin-like blossoms, creating a delightful sight in the forest floor’s understory.


30+ Fabulous Plants That Start With T (31)

Toadflax, with snapdragon-like flowers, is a burst of color in meadows. Kids, it’s like a wildflower fireworks show!

Origin: Toadflax is native to Europe but can now be found in many meadows worldwide.

Uses: Though not for eating, Toadflax adds a splash of color to gardens, attracting butterflies and bees.

Care: Toadflax loves sunny spots and well-drained soil. It’s low-maintenance but loves a little attention.

Benefits: Toadflax supports pollinators like bees, ensuring the health of the garden ecosystem. Its vibrant colors bring joy.

Fun Fact: Toadflax’s name comes from its toad-like appearance. But don’t worry, it won’t turn into a prince!

Tree Anemone

30+ Fabulous Plants That Start With T (32)

Tree Anemone, with fluffy blooms, brings a touch of magic to gardens. Kids, it’s like having fairy clouds in your backyard!

Origin: Tree Anemone is native to Asia, adding elegance to gardens in its native land.

Uses: This tree is purely decorative, making gardens look dreamy and whimsical.

Care: Plant in well-drained soil, and watch it grow into a fairytale-like tree. Regular watering keeps it happy.

Benefits: Tree Anemone’s presence adds beauty to the surroundings, creating a magical atmosphere in gardens.

Fun Fact: Despite its fairy-like appearance, Tree Anemone is tough and can withstand various weather conditions.

Some Other Plants That Start With T

TurtleheadTree HoyaTree Daisy
Trailing JadeToothed SpurgeTree Fern
TiarellaTurtle GrassTufted Hair Grass
TutsanTurkish Cap LilyTurk’s Cap Lily
Thornless BlackberryTamarilloThorn Apple
Thyme-leaved SpeedwellTufted SaxifrageTree Hibiscus
Turkish RocketThorn AppleTree Peony
TamariskThistle SageTree Moss
Tricolor SageTorrey PineTree Cactus
Tree LupinThornless BougainvilleaTree Begonia
ThimbleberryTree PinksTree Nettle
Twisted StalkToothache GrassTurkey Tangle Frogfruit
Turkey RhubarbTrumpet TreeTread Softly
Tassel FernTexas SageTree Violet
Tree GermanderTree LichenTree Mallow
Tree PeaTulip TreeTree Balm
Tree OnionTree FuchsiaTree Tobacco
Tufted HairgrassTree TobaccoThyme-leafed Speedwell
Tassel FlowerTree OrchidTerebinth
Trailing African DaisyTree GloxiniaTree Myrtle
Trumpet HoneysuckleThaliaTree Jasmine
Twinberry HoneysuckleTorch GingerTrumpet Lily
Turkish FilbertTrumpet FlowerTree Evening Primrose
ThyrallisTansy RagwortTree Clover
Tufted Evening PrimroseTree CactusTassel Hyacinth
Tree DahliaTropical SageTree Celosia
Thornless RaspberryTree VerbenaTree Poppy
Tree PansyThyrse-Leaved AsterTree Tomato
TetraneurisTree-of-HeavenTree Anemone
Tree TobaccoTurkish HazelTree Poppies
TropicannaTulip PoplarToothed Goldenrod
Tall Bearded IrisTree OnionTrailing Snapdragon
Tiger ClawTiger FlowerTree Honeysuckle


Wow, little explorers, we’ve had an amazing adventure discovering the fantastic world of ‘Plants that Start with T’!

From towering trees to tiny tulips, each plant has its own special story. Remember, nature is like a giant alphabet book, and we just peeked into the ‘T’ chapter. Keep exploring, and who knows what other magical plants you’ll find!

So, put on your explorer hats, grab a watering can, and let’s continue our journey into the wonderful world of plants. Until next time, happy planting and keep discovering the wonders of the green universe!

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30+ Fabulous Plants That Start With T (33)

Rashmi Panchal

I’m a former teacher (and mother of Two Childs) with a background in child development. I’m here to help you with play-based learning activities and crafts for kids ages 0 – 8. ( Cledemy.com is my Next startup on Pre to 8th Grade Printable and Worksheet Education Resources)

30+ Fabulous Plants That Start With T (2024)
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